Friday, October 9, 2009

Song For Karis - Isaiah 26:3

You promised perfect peace
To this mind ill at ease
That my heart so troubled
Would find tranquility
When my mind is stayed on You
And my gaze lifts to You
I begin to see how mighty You are
And all that troubled me seems far

So hold me now like You said You would
Let peace reside where fear once stood
I ask you to give what I cannot give myself
A trusting heart that sings out, "It is well."

When I'm resting in this place
Quieted by grace
Somehow I know, it's where I'm meant to stay
I find such solace here
You're bigger than my fears
Looking only at You, I find the strength to stand
I'm safe here in the palm of Your hand.

So hold me now like you said you would
Let peace reside where fear once stood
I ask you to give what I cannot give myself
A trusting heart that sings out, "It is well."

You held me, Lord, like You said You would
Now peace resides where fear once stood
You gave to me what I could not give myself
A trusting heart that sings out, "It is well."
Diane Mann 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Unequally Yoked -- A New Little Thought

Jesus married down (but never makes me feel that way).