Spiritual Direction

“Spiritual direction is the art of intentionally journeying with another (directee) in a Spirit-led, free flowing way that fosters trust, safety, vulnerability and honesty with God and self so that the directee can become aware of the movements and promptings of God in their life, more fully embrace the love and grace God has for them and in turn manifest that love to others.” 

(Larry Warner)

I have journeyed with a spiritual director since 2005.  She is someone with whom I meet once a month, and during that time she listens prayerfully to me, asks questions and encourages me to express myself to God and listen for Him in my life.  Always I am encouraged to come to Jesus "just as I am" to find Him there in my circumstances just as He is.  Longing to offer others the benefits I receive this ministry, a few years ago I went through a two-year training course in Christian spiritual direction, was certified in 2011 and am now journeying alongside others in this way.  

The word "direction" often gives the impression that someone is in charge of the other's spiritual life, but this is not so.  The Holy Spirit is the director of the conversation, and I see my part as the director to direct the attention of the conversation to noticing where God is at work in a person.  To what is He inviting the directee?  How may the directee be responding to or resisting the invitations of God in her life? 

  • “Why, God, do I feel so stuck in my relationship with You…how do I find You?”
  • “In what ways are You working in my life and inviting me to be with You that I am not even aware of?”
  • “I long for You, Jesus, so how can I experience you in the deep, intimate ways You promise are possible?”
  • “Where do I go from here? My relationship with Jesus feels like I have hit a wall.
  • “How can I be more aware of God - the one in whom I live, move and have my being…to sense God’s presence, to see God’s fingerprints on my life?”
  • You desire greater intimacy with God
  • You sense the value of having another look at your life and listen to the voice of God with you, helping you to explore and deepen your experiences of God
  • You feel stuck in your relationship with God
  • A vital relationship with God is important to you
  • You are facing a decision in your life
Contact me on the contact portion of the blog, or email me at dia9984@aol.com if you are interested in meeting to explore spiritual direction further.  Meetings are one hour once per month, and I am available to offer direction in person, over the telephone, via Skype or email.

To read further about this ministry, go to http://b-ing.org/direction/index.php

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