Our 26th wedding anniversary!
Lovely time
At a wonderful hotel
In a beautiful room
I opened the guestbook
To record our stay
And noticed the entry above ours
It read:
"November 9,
We are on our honeymoon!
The room is perfect!
The food, perfect!
(Signed) Vivian
P.S. The groom exceeds perfection!!"
Twenty-six years ago
I, too, was an exclamation-point bride
In awe of my groom
And he of me
Before too long
We tumbled off those unrealistic pedestals
On which we each placed the other
And admittedly have at times been
Exceedingly imperfect
But we have learned
To love
To forgive
To laugh
To view each other not with "love-is-blind" eyes
But through the lens
Of our Savior's gracious love
And no longer expect perfection from each other
Together we can exclaim
Praise be to You, God
You have been the Rock on which we stand
On Whom we rely
You have been
Perfectly faithful
Perfectly loving
Perfectly patient
Perfectly good
To us
You and You alone
Exceed perfection!!
Diane Mann 2009