Fear is in the air
A virus spreading too
We step back from each other
More than we used to
A virus spreading too
We step back from each other
More than we used to
We're full of care
Burdened by it, even
We try not to talk about it
But our efforts fail
Burdened by it, even
We try not to talk about it
But our efforts fail
News of outbreaks, numbers deceased
Make us edgy
Ill at ease
I don't know when the problem
Flipped from remote
"Out there somewhere" to
Right now
Right here
But it did
Make us edgy
Ill at ease
I don't know when the problem
Flipped from remote
"Out there somewhere" to
Right now
Right here
But it did
Where we once said
"Have a nice day"
To people we greeted
We now say
"Stay well"
No physical touching
But our gazes linger a bit longer
To let each other know
We mean it
And we do!
People say it to me
And I to them
"Have a nice day"
To people we greeted
We now say
"Stay well"
No physical touching
But our gazes linger a bit longer
To let each other know
We mean it
And we do!
People say it to me
And I to them
I suppose we are touching each other
Now more than ever
The kindnesses are lights in the dark
Streams of goodness
Winding through
Harsh terrain
Now more than ever
The kindnesses are lights in the dark
Streams of goodness
Winding through
Harsh terrain
How can we help
The vulnerable among us?
People are planning
Looking for ways to watch out
For the other
The vulnerable among us?
People are planning
Looking for ways to watch out
For the other
Yes, fear is in the air
A virus too
It's almost palpable
But I notice the care among us
The most
A virus too
It's almost palpable
But I notice the care among us
The most
Diane Mann 2020