Friday, November 5, 2010

The Calling

I was so busy hoping
and striving
to be amazing
that I almost forgot to be me.

Whew!  I almost missed my calling!

The Banner

There's something
That's been hanging
Over my head lately
More and more
It's been getting my attention
At times I look up
And gaze straight at it
Marveling at its presence
In its shadow
Which is somehow made of light
I freely dance
As though not a soul is watching
Yet closer than ever
Someone is watching my soul

When I look inside me
It is there
Even when I'm feeling things
I wish I weren't feeling
There it remains over me, over me
It reaches into me
Drapes itself around me
And carpets the ground
Beneath me
Yet somehow is
The ground beneath me

I abide and grow
As slowly I know
In the safety of this place
The works of God
Are wonderful
My expanding heart
Indeed fills with wonder
At the beauty
Of what He's made
And is making
In the world out there
And of me
In here

He beckons me
Lay down my fear
The dread that says
I'll never be
Not ever be
Who I'm made to be
I was made to be
With this banner
Called "Love"
Over me

diane carver mann 2010