Saturday, June 9, 2018


That funny thing called fear
keeps us from taking one step
toward what we want
because we freeze up at the thought
of not having things turn out the way
we picture

Paralyzing fear guarantees we will never
get where we desire to go
(perhaps fear is not so funny a thing after all)

But taking one step,
breathing one breath,
performing one act
toward the intended destination,
the hoped-for dream

Makes fear dissipate

Fear fears courage
and shrivels at the sight of it
fear loathes love
and scurries away
in its presence
perhaps fear is itself
a coward?

Fear freezes me, but only temporarily
when I move,
fear stops dead
in its tracks
and I am free to live,
to be – and dream,

Diane Carver Mann 2018

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