Saturday, January 23, 2010


Today I loved you
Not like Christ loves you
Today I treated you
Like He never would
Condemnation He serves not
His fingers don't point
At where you're lacking
Or what you should or shouldn't have done

So pure and right is He!
His fountain flows with forgiveness, cleansing, redemption
A gathering back of His loved ones
To Him
"Come, all who are thirsty! 
Come and Drink!"
God has called me to be a vessel
Of healing love and much-needed grace
To His children
To you

Today I saw you through eyes of fear
And offered my anger
My hurt and resentment
Trying to make you feel as though
You've missed the mark
My actions looked nothing like
The life-giving love
That Christ so freely pours on me
And you

How I hope you'll forgive me
As Jesus forgave me

Diane Mann 2010

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Di! Please keep writing; this is beautiful and such a good reminder of His perfect love :) And how it is in my power to treat others how He does! love you sissy