Thursday, July 26, 2012


A green balloon
Or two
A pinetree-shaped
Sugar cookie
Or a card perhaps
Yes, a card
With a mountain scene
A meadow
A bird
A meadow lark
Singing its flute song
A stone path
Harsh, steep trails
Scorching summer sun
Weight, pain
Humor, so much humor
Despite the agony
Because of the agony
The journey I
From a distance
An onlooking friend
Letting her story
Change me
How do I celebrate
The beauty
The life
The victory
How do I say
My spirit
Is stirred
I smile with you
Share a meal
Laugh hysterically
And weep a bit
As you paint a picture
With words
Of the path
You walked the trail
You climbed
The people
You met
With gratitude
I receive
The raingear
You lend
Knowing I too
Will need
You cannot hike
The trail
For me
A twinkle in your
Eye conveys you know
It will be hard for me
As well
I can learn much
From observing
But must go
Must go
Learn the lessons
Learned by those
Who dare to
Where they are led
A profound wonder
It is
To be led
To follow
The desire planted
In the heart
The deepest part
Of one's being
My friend has been
So brave as to listen
To the song
To the spirit
Within who
Leads her
She now sings
In return
A song
A meadow song
A tune unmatched
In beauty
In grace

To Carla, aka Meadowlark
With so much love
Diane (yet to have an aka:)


Carla said...

What a precious gift you gave me, a poem, and you know I understand the heart of a writer. I do understand that you must do your own hike, as we must each walk our own journeys,and He will be waiting for you too, just like He waited so long for me to hike through that beautiful meadow. And through the joy, the beauty, and yes, even the agony, you will leave a richer and wiser woman. God be with you my precious friend. Love, Meadowlark

Paula Thuveson said...

Oh Diane, How beautiful! :)
Love you,

Anonymous said...

What a nice poem. You are a great poet Diane!

Tammi said...

Very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.