Saturday, June 7, 2008

The First Time I Held You

As you are placed in my arms
I must tell you now
I've never been in such awe of the One who ordained life
I keep thinking to myself, What have I done to deserve this precious baby?
God gently whispers back, "It's a gift."

Another thought comes to me as I gaze upon you,
My newborn child
As I realize God has entrusted me to care for
One He loved enough to die for
I'm overwhelmed, knowing I am inadequate for the task
"Depend on me. Count on my grace," I clearly hear Him say.

And I try to hold back the tears as I realize
He gave His only son for me, for you
Then loudly, joyfully He declares, "I love you!"
I guess I really never understood His love
Quite like I do today
The day I received you, my child, my reward, my gift from God.

I just thought you'd like to know what I felt
The first time I held you in my arms.

Diane Mann

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